Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Cross My Heart 'n' Hope To Die.......

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Ya know, back when I was growing up, nothing was more important than telling the truth.  Our parents constantly preached that to us.  Dad would sermonize about how truth-tellin’ was one of the most important things in the character of a person.  Much to my surprise, on several occasions, he didn’t punish us quite as bad because we ‘fessed up to what we had done, and told him the truth about it all.  However, kids being what they are, we more often tried to lie our way out of whatever we had done wrong (and somehow thought that crossing our fingers while we were telling the lie would make it OK to tell the lie).  A’course, it mostly did no good, and we were found out in the end.  After I became a parent myself, I knew that the parent already knew who was responsible for what before that conversation even began.  What all that sermonizing did for me (and I hope it did the same for my kids) was to impress on me just how important honesty was.  Not only does it make life easier on me personally, but integrity and trust are the bedrock of any relationship, be it family, business, or friend.  It is the one single virtue that I hold in the highest regard.

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When we were kids, we had so many ways of swearing our honesty to our friends.  We’d make an X over our hearts and recite: “Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye…”(sometimes shortened to just “cross my heart” with the X over the heart motion), and of course there were “pinky promises”.   There was the phrase “Swear on a stack of Bibles”, often used in a question when trying to get to the truth of a secret or gossip that a friend was telling you.  It wasn’t enough to just tell your friend that you were telling the truth and not exaggerating… you had to “swear on a stack of Bibles” (although there was never a Bible involved), or you had to “cross your heart”, before you were truly believed.  Our complete belief was then given to what the friend was saying…. because, ya know… they swore on a stack of Bibles…. Com’on!

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Truth!  Honesty!  Facts, pure and simple!  Something we are seeing a shortage of these days.  Truth is, facts are hard to ferret out anymore.  There’s almost too much information available to us these days, and it makes it hard to figure out what’s true and what’s sorta true, and what’s only kinda true, and what’s down right made up stuff.  So many shade of grey.  Here’s the thing though…. Even something that is “almost true” is false.  You may, if you’re well-informed and do your research, be able to figure out what parts are true and what are not, but the “almost true” is still false.  It’s tricky…

Here’s the thing about facts… about truths….  Facts/Truths don’t care if you believe them or not… they’re true anyway.  That seems almost crazy to have to state, doesn’t it… but all you have to do is read (or listen to) the news to realize that there are many people that live around us all that think truths and facts are something created, not something that just “are”.  And the sad part is, they have thought this for so long that they can’t find their way out of the darkness anymore. 

Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 – 180, and known as the last of the “Five Good Emperors”) said Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.  Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”  That's a little bit mind boggling when you think about it.  He didn't say some of the things, or a few of the things we hear/see......... he said EVERYTHING.  That, of course, was his perspective.... his opinion.  But it's certainly something to think about.

These words you are reading right now are, in fact, my perspective and opinion.  You get to choose whether you believe or disbelieve... whether you agree or disagree... whether it gives you food for thought... or not.  

Cross my heart!! 

Painting by Sandy Tracy