Sunday, June 19, 2016

Flowers on the Roadside

Daisies... we've all seen them growing on the roadside somewhere. Their white petals around a yellow center with their raggedy leaves on long spindly stalks wave at us as we go by.  They are often found growing in clusters in random places along country roads. Wild, seldom cultivated, yet so beautiful in their simplicity. They've always been my favorite flower. I suppose some of the reason is the memories I associate with them. However, mostly it's their simple beauty that has always caught my eye.

When we were kids, our maternal Grandmother lived just on the other side of the field from us. We'd walk to her house several times a week just to visit (and have a cookie from her cookie jar). On our way to her house in the summer, there would always be Daisies and Queen Anne's Lace growing on the roadside. I'd pick her a bouquet, but not one of those store-bought sorts. This was flowers of all heights, some bent, some straight. Some would be missing petals by the time we got there because, you know, "Love me, Love me not" would happen, and putting one behind my ear, and such as that. But always there would be a few to take to Grandmother. She would lovingly trim them all and arrange them in a bud vase, and put them on display somewhere special.  

It's those special memories that I find forming in my mind and on my fingertips as stories to tell. It's those special "flowers on the roadside of life" that make it all worth while.  

That is why I named this blog "Picking Daisies", and that is why the URL is "flowers on the roadside". It is my hope that I can share some small part of these memories with you, dear reader, and somehow bless your life, as mine has been blessed, with a bouquet of wild flowers, some crooked and bent, for you to enjoy.  

Daisies in my Mom's flower garden
Photo by me

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