Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Watching a Flower Bloom

There's a window off to the left of the chair I sit in during the day, and the flowers outside have finally gotten tall enough to be seen over the sill.  They have giant leaves, and bright red flowers.  The hummingbirds go crazy over them.  Canna Lilies, I think they are called.  

What has been interesting this year is that one of the flower stalks is up above the window sill and can easily be seen.  At first, it was just a stalk with knobish protrusions at it's end.  Eventually the knobs became tightly furled flower petals.  In the last two days, those petals have begun to unfurl.  Each day a new one opens, and more beauty can be seen.  They are especially pretty in the late afternoon when the sun has finally gotten past the tree canopy and can shine on them directly.  Then they seem to glow, almost like stained glass.  

It's amazing the beauty you can see if you just look around... and more amazing still if you are patient enough to watch it's graceful, but slow, appearance right before your eyes.  

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